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COVID-19 Return to work – Personalised Risk Assessment

ALL Driver have to (MUST) adhere to our procedure and comply with these requirements to ensure your safety and all our customers.

This assessment is being used for the screening of our drivers prior to their return to work. The purpose of this risk assessment is to protect customers, staff and drivers by identifying possible/confirmed COVID-19 cases, household contacts, drivers who should be shielded, those who may require more enhanced PPE and those who are moderately or clinically extremely vulnerable from COVID-19.

Section 1 – COVID-19 Symptom checker

      1. 1. Do you have a new, continuous cough? Yes/No
        2. Do you have a high temperature of 37.8C or over? Yes/No
        3. Are you experiencing a change or loss in your normal sense of taste or smell? Yes/No

Section 2 – Household

      1. 1. Have you or anyone in your household tested positive for coronavirus? Yes/No
        2. Are you still in the self/household isolation period? Yes/No
        3. Does anyone in your household have a new, continuous cough or a high temperature? Yes/No

Section 3 – Clinically, extremely vulnerable people (high risk)

If you are vulnerable either due to your age, suppressed immunity or pre-existing health conditions, please consider whether it is in your interest to work. To continue to work as a taxi or private hire driver or leave the house when you have been advised not to would put you and those you come into contact with at risk. Visit www.gov.uk for further guidance on protecting people who are particularly vulnerable to COVID-19.

      • 1. Have you been advised by your GP to shield, as a clinically, extremely vulnerable person? Yes/No

      Section 4 – Clinically vulnerable people (moderate risk)

          • 1. Do you have a health condition which puts you in the clinically vulnerable, moderate risk of contracting coronavirus? Yes/No
                  • For example:
                    o Pregnancy
                    o Over 70
                    o Diabetes
                    o Underlying lung condition that is not severe, such as asthma
                    o Heart disease
                    o Liver disease
                    o A condition affecting the brain or nerves, such as Parkinson’s
                    o A condition which means you are at high risk of getting infections
                    o Taking medicine that can affect your immune system, such as low dose steroids
                    o have a BMI of 40 or above

      Section 5 – NHS Test and Trace

            • 1. Have you been contacted by the NHS Test and Trace that you have been in contact with a person with Covid-19? Yes/No

          Section 6 – Return to Work

            • 1. Is anyone in your household currently shielding and therefore you are concerned about returning to work? Yes/No

            Return to work assessment conclusion:

            The completed assessments are kept securely in your individual driver’s file.

            Data collected by Zedcarz Group as part of the driver screening for COVID-19 will be held securely and will only be disclosed to individuals for the purposes of managing the health and wellbeing of our customers, staff and drivers.
