Environmental Policy

Zedcarz is a private hire firm based in Surrey, committed to providing high-quality minicab, private hire, executive vehicle, and courier services. We recognise the importance of reducing our environmental impact and continually strive to improve our sustainability practices. This policy outlines our commitment to environmental responsibility and the measures we have implemented to achieve our goals.

Our Environmental Commitments

1. Vehicle Standards:

  • All our vehicles are Euro 6 compliant, ensuring they meet the highest emission standards and conform to the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) requirements.
  • 40% of our fleet consists of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs), while 10% are fully electric vehicles (EVs), demonstrating our commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
  • For our executive vehicles, 80% are plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs), further reducing our carbon footprint.

2. Fleet Renewal and Investment:

  • We are committed to ongoing investment in new, environmentally friendly vehicles to ensure our fleet remains at the forefront of sustainable transportation.
  • Our goal is to increase the proportion of electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles in our fleet year on year.

3. Energy Efficiency:

  • We encourage eco-driving practices among our drivers to reduce fuel consumption and minimise emissions.
  • Our vehicles are regularly maintained to ensure optimal performance and adherence to environmental standards.

4. Courier Services:

  • We integrate route optimisation and scheduling technology to minimise mileage and reduce the environmental impact of our courier services.

5. Sustainable Operations:

  • Our office operations are guided by sustainability principles, including minimising waste, recycling materials, and using energy-efficient technologies.
  • We actively seek suppliers and partners who share our commitment to environmental responsibility.

6. Community and Stakeholder Engagement:

  • We educate and encourage our drivers and staff to adopt environmentally friendly practices both professionally and personally.
  • We work with clients and stakeholders to meet their sustainability objectives, ensuring our services align with their environmental values.

Future Goals

  • Transition to a fleet where the majority of vehicles are fully electric by 2030.
  • Explore innovative technologies and partnerships to further reduce our carbon footprint.
  • Continuously monitor and report on our environmental impact to identify opportunities for improvement.

Monitoring and Review

  • This policy is reviewed annually to ensure it remains relevant and effective.
  • We welcome feedback from clients and stakeholders to improve our environmental initiatives.

Zedcarz is proud to prioritise sustainability as a core aspect of our operations. Through innovation, investment, and collaboration, we aim to deliver exceptional services while minimising our environmental impact. We are dedicated to creating a cleaner, greener future for the communities we serve.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Z Logistics: Sensitive to Our Social, Environmental and Economic Impact

Z Logistics is committed to operating in a responsible and sustainable manner. Throughout all aspects of our business operations we will implement measures to understand and manage all core stakeholder relationships so that our business functions in a manner that is effective, efficient and ethical whilst seeking to enhance our social, environmental and economic impact. 

This statement outlines our commitment to customers, the environment, our employees and the communities within which we operate. 


Our customers are our priority. Our customer relationships are based on the values of honesty and integrity. We will not engage in unethical advertising, marketing and sales practices. We will listen to customers to enable us to improve our service delivery. 

The Environment

We recognise that operating in the transport sector we have a significant part to play in reducing our negative impact on the environment. We carefully plan and model our trunking schedules to achieve route optimisation, best use of our available resources and reduce our Co2 emissions. We use modern aero dynamic fuel efficient vehicles that are regularly maintained and serviced. We are committed to a waste recycling scheme, this includes shrink wrap, paper, cardboard, scrap metal and ink cartridges. All employees are trained and compliant in actively ensuring recyclable products are discarded appropriately. Unusable wooden pallets are provided to a third party company for chipping and recycling. Our premises are fitted with energy saving light bulbs and sensor lighting to minimise energy usage, in addition we use hand dryers as an environmentally friendly alternative to paper towels.Our bag products contain up to 80% recycled content and are 100% recyclable.

To view our Environmental Policy click here.

Our Employees 

Our business is only as good as our people and we strive to promote staff engagement across all company levels. We ensure staff facilities are maintained to a high standard and offer more than adequate resources to all employees at every level of the business. We actively focus on talent management and are keen on providing career development and progression from within. We encourage two way communication and have regular staff forums where staff representatives have the opportunity to regularly meet with members of the Executive Team. We ensure our employees are involved with company ventures including voting systems and feedback for fundraising and charity schemes.

To view The Z Logistics Gender Pay Gap Report 2023 click here.


We are committed to providing opportunities and support to the local and wider community. All recruitment opportunities are made available to the local community by various methods of advertising. Our official charity of the year, selected by our employees, is Promise Dreams. Donations provided by fundraising activities throughout the year are presented to local units of this charity after every event. We participate with local schools in providing work experience opportunities, with a planned programme which ensures exposure to the world of work.

Slavery & Human Trafficking Statement for the Financial Year – 2023-2024

This statement is made in accordance with Section 54, Part 6 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and sets out the steps that The Alternative Parcels Company Limited (“The Z Logistics”) has taken to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in our Company or our supply chains.

The Z Logistics is an independent parcel company, operating in the UK within the transport and distribution sectors. Our workforce is primarily employed with agency resource used to support the core business operation as determined by business needs. We aspire to be the employer of choice.

The Company is committed to ensuring it has responsible business practices and does not knowingly enter into business with any organisation, in the UK or abroad, which supports or is involved in slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory labour and use of human trafficking. We take our responsibilities seriously and monitor the modern slavery risk of our labour suppliers’ and supply chains. 

We acknowledge that slavery and human trafficking are concealed, damaging and cruel practices that unfortunately are still present in global society.

This Company is alert to its responsibility for recognising and tackling this illegal practice and is committed to providing a workplace and building relationships with suppliers where dignity and respect is provided to all.

The Company promotes equal opportunities for all and is committed to protecting its people by ensuring our work environments are safe, healthy, respectful, non- discriminatory and free from illegal practices, harassment, and exploitation. The Company has comprehensive employment policies that it regularly reviews and amends to ensure they reflect and integrate with our stance on slavery and human trafficking. Our policies are available to all employees on its Employee HR Platform – Oracle.

Our recruitment and onboarding processes are also reviewed regularly with compliance and audit checks being completed for new joiners to the business.

We have a dedicated Whistleblowing phoneline where colleagues (both employed and agency) are able to share concerns or issues relating to illegal practice or wrongdoing (including matters relating to labour practices). All reported matters are handled confidentially and investigated.

The Company has invested significantly in its security function which plays a proactive role in compliance and risk management. The Company has processes in place, and we provide relevant training for our managers to improve awareness and highlight the principal risks related to modern day slavery and human trafficking within the business and our supply chain.

The Company has continued to ensure that it provides a positive and supportive working environment for its employees and workers. We continue to offer strong communication channels through; electronic messaging, health and safety forums and a dedicated HR help facility that our colleagues can utilise. 

The Company is committed to the training and development of its people. We have invested in a digital training solution that is accessible by employees and agency workers and have developed and disseminated learning content on slavery and human trafficking, whistleblowing, bribery, bullying and harassment and equality, diversity, and inclusion. 

We have a team of trained mental health first aiders and have increased our level of communication and awareness building on topics associated with slavery and human trafficking.

The Z Logistics will continue to monitor modern slavery risk and increase general awareness of modern slavery within the UK.

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