Terms & Conditions

Set out below are the terms and conditions by which Zedcarz conduct its business with the Client, the Passenger (the person travelling) and the Booker (the person booking journeys). Zedcarz reserves the right to vary these terms and conditions of trading without notice.
Zedcarz sets out to provide a safe reliable service to all of its customers.

We will always try to be fair and reasonable to our customers and promote goodwill where possible.
Whilst we will exercise all due care and consideration to carry out Client and/or Passenger instruction we will not be liable for any incidence or loss due to circumstances beyond our reasonable control.

Transport of Goods
All parcels, packages and goods are taken at customer’s own risk. It is the customer’s responsibility to ensure adequate insurance cover is in place for goods in transit.

Right to Refusal
Zedcarz reserve the right to refuse to carry any persons or objects that the driver deems to be likely to cause him or his vehicle harm or damage in whatsoever form. The judgment of the driver will be final.
Zedcarz may charge for any costs involved.

All quotes, where given, are approximate according to an estimate of miles and time incurred by driver and time of day of travel and type of vehicle required to do a specific journey.

We will calculate fares based upon mileage incurred, time and out of pocket expenditure.
The charge rate will vary according to the type of vehicle/service required for the journey.
We operate a fixed rates for journeys to or from the local areas to: the London airports and to most London postal codes.

Most journeys are quoted travelling via the shortest route. If the route varies from this, e.g. by request from the customer to use a motorway route or the driver has to avoid a traffic related problem, Zedcarz reserve the right to charge the Client for any extra mileage and time

We reserve the right to apply a surcharge to:
– Airport and station pick-ups
– out of area to out of area journeys.
– airport and station pick-ups.
– Christmas, New Year and other Bank Holiday journeys
– additional stops on route
– periods of extreme weather or road conditions.
– journeys out of standard business hours.
– peak hours

Zedcarz assumes a journey / booking request is still valid until:-

1. A Passenger or someone deemed to be representing the Passenger cancels the journey with a member of staff in the offices of Zedcarz and receives confirmation by the member of staff that it is cancelled.
2. Our driver and or supporting staff have satisfied themselves that they are unable to pick the Passenger up for whatever reason.

Until then we will take all reasonable care to complete the booking.

In the event of a cancellation of a journey Zedcarz may charge for any costs incurred until the time when it is apparent that Zedcarz have been satisfactorily informed of a cancellation of booking or Zedcarz have been unable to contact the Passenger.

Usually there would be no charge for a journey cancelled prior to dispatch.

Where a journey is cancelled after the driver has been dispatched the Client may be liable for a charge.
Where the driver is unable to find a Passenger after making all reasonable efforts the Client may be charged
Where a Client or Passenger gives incorrect information regarding a pick up place or time or other relevant detail that results in a cost to our driver, the Client may be liable for a cancellation charge.

Airport Pickup (Parking Charges)
All London airports and others airports now make a drop off charge, to anyone dropping off passengers to the airport. This charge will be passed on the customer at the rate the airport levies this charge. All airport pickup’s will incur a parking charge, which we try and minimise by arranging a predetermined pickup time and keeping an eye on the flight landing time. however what the car park charge is levied at, this will be pass on to the customer. As these charges are variable, we can not build them into our pricing structure and be added to the journey cost at the end of the journey.

Waiting time
Where a driver has to wait beyond the appointed time to collect a Passenger, whether it be the fault of the Passenger or Client or arises from circumstances beyond their control, the Client will be liable to pay Zedcarz for the waiting time.

Cancellation Charge
A Cancellation Charge is calculated to pay for the time and miles and incidental costs of our driver when he is unable to pick up a passenger.

Congestion Charge
Transport for London (TFL) has decided to levee a congestion charge to all private hire vehicle. The customer is liable for this charge and will be add to the journey cost. sometimes this will be done at the end of the journey.

Ultra Low emission Charge (ULEZ)
Transport for London (TFL) has decided to make a ULEZ charge to certain types of vehicle. We at Zedcarz in line with our environment policy are work on ensure that all of Fleet vehicles comply to these condition. However as some of our fleet include self-employed drivers, we will occasionally have to make the ULEZ charge to the customer. This will be added to the cost of the journey at the end of the journey.

We will try to carry out a journey in a way the Passenger requests, e.g. route variation unless we have written instructions not to do so by the account holder.

Security of the account
It is the responsibility of the Client to ensure adequate security to ensure that the facility is not abused.
The account will be set up with minimal security measures unless the Client specifies their requirements in writing,
Zedcarz are able to set up various security measures with a prior request in writing from the Client.
The Client will be liable to pay all bookings made on the account.


The Client undertakes to pay invoices within the payment terms on the account application.

Overdue amounts may incur interest at 2.5% above base lending rates.


All queries are to be raised in writing within 14 days of

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