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Personal Safety

The second of our core principles of making a COVID secure transport service. PERSONAL aims to provide our passengers and drivers with the support and assurances they need to travel safely during this time. We are taking active measures that are enhanced during this time to ultimately safeguard every single person who shares a ride with us.

With limited public transport available and a continued uncertainty around the spread of COVID-19, Zedcarz can be trusted to provide you with a safe, clean and reliable service for those essential journeys, those returning back to work and courier deliveries.

As the UK has now entered the second stage of lockdown, we will slowly begin to see schools re-open, non-essential shops opened as well as social family and friend contact. Its essential that to carry out these activities safely that we implement ‘smarter measures’ to safeguard anyone travelling with us, this is what our COVID-19 commitments and personal core principles sets out to achieve.

We have over 40 years experience in helping Surrey and London get around, with our continually updated measures from Public Health England and World Health Organisation aswell as our COVID commitment rollout, you can put your trust in Zedcarz Group as a trusted transport partner.

Personal Safety

Personal Safety during COVID-19
